Commit 083f2195 by tangjiale


# Created by .ignore support plugin (
### Node template
# Logs
# Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# nyc test coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (
# Bower dependency directory (
# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (
# Dependency directories
# TypeScript v1 declaration files
# Optional npm cache directory
# Optional eslint cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
# Yarn Integrity file
# dotenv environment variables file
# parcel-bundler cache (
# next.js build output
# nuxt.js build output
# Nuxt generate
# vuepress build output
# Serverless directories
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html {{ HTML_ATTRS }}>
<head {{ HEAD_ATTRS }}>
{{ HEAD }}
<script type="text/javascript">
var _hmt = _hmt || [];
(function() {
var hm = document.createElement('script');
hm.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s);
<body {{ BODY_ATTRS }}>
{{ APP }}
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* {
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ul li {
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"env": "pro",
// import {Context,Service} from '../plugins/framework/index'
// import Bean from '../plugins/framework'
// export default (context) => {
// context.service = function(service) {
// let env = Context.$config.env;
// let config = require(`../config/${env}.config.json`);
// console.log('---------service--------',JSON.stringify(service))
// console.log('---------Context--------',Context)
// // let base = Context.$config[ o.domainKey || 'monk' ]; // 获取host
// console.log('---------context--------',context)
// };
// }
const pkg = require('./package');
const envMap = {
'dev': {
NODE_ENV: 'development',
'pro': {
NODE_ENV: 'production',
const ENV_SCRIPT = {
'dev': [
// {src: '//'},
// {src: '//'},
// {src: '//'}
'pro': [
// {src: '//'},
// {src: '//'},
// {src: '//'}
const envValue = process.env.ENV_CONFIG;
const env = envMap[ envValue ];
const getPkgVersion = v => {
return {
test: new RegExp(v),
enforce: true,
name: v + '-' + (pkg.dependencies[ v ] ? pkg.dependencies[ v ].replace(
/[^0-9 | \.]/ig, '') : ''),
chunks: 'all'
module.exports = {
mode: 'universal',
dir: {
pages: 'ssr'
buildDir: '.ssr',
router: {
base: '',
// middleware: [ '' ],
extendRoutes (routes) {
return [
path: '/test1',
component: '~/ssr/test.js'
server: {
host: ''
modules: [
head: {
title: '',
meta: [
{charset: 'utf-8'},
name: 'viewport',
content: 'width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0'
{hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: pkg.description},
name: 'robots',
content: 'index,follow'
name: 'baidu-site-verification',
content: '84FlZTfdd0'
// link: [ {
// rel: 'icon',
// type: 'image/x-icon',
// href: '//'
// } ],
script: ENV_SCRIPT[ envValue ]
css: [
// '@/assets/css/icon-font.css'
plugins: [
build: {
babel: {
presets: [ '@babel/preset-env' ],
plugins: [
'helpers': false,
'regenerator': true
[ '@babel/syntax-dynamic-import' ]
postcss: [
// require('postcss-px2rem')({
// remUnit: 37.5
// }),
// transpile: [ /^vant/, /eye-/ ],
// filenames: {
// chunk: ({isDev}) => isDev ? '[name].js' : '[name].[contenthash].js',
// app: ({isDev}) => isDev ? '[name].js' : '[name].[chunkhash].js'
// },
// optimization: {
// runtimeChunk: 'multiple',
// splitChunks: {
// name: true,
// cacheGroups: {
// 'nuxt': getPkgVersion('nuxt'),
// 'eye-com': getPkgVersion('eye-com'),
// 'eye-core': getPkgVersion('eye-core'),
// 'eye-ui': getPkgVersion('eye-ui'),
// 'eye-wap': getPkgVersion('eye-wap'),
// 'vant': getPkgVersion('vant')
// }
// }
// },
extend (config, ctx) {
env: {
"name": "test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A Eye7 Web Project",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev-ssr": "cross-env ENV_CONFIG=dev ssr=true nuxt -o --port=3001",
"dev-ssr-prod": "cross-env IS_LOCAL=1 ENV_CONFIG=pro ssr=true nuxt -o --port=3001",
"generate": "cross-env ENV_CONFIG=dev nuxt generate",
"generate-prod": "cross-env ENV_CONFIG=pro nuxt generate"
"dependencies": {
"@nuxtjs/axios": "^5.8.0",
"autoprefixer": "^9.7.2",
"babel-polyfill": "6.26.0",
"js-cookie": "2.2.1",
"cookie-universal-nuxt": "2.0.19",
"cross-env": "5.2.0",
"less": "3.10.3",
"less-loader": "5.0.0",
"lib-flexible": "0.3.2",
"nuxt": "2.9.2",
"postcss-loader": "3.0.0",
"postcss-px2rem": "0.3.0",
"vant": "2.12.6",
"vue-loader": "15.7.1"
<img src="../assets/images/img-default.jpg" style="width: 200px;">
<div @click="loginUrl">
// import { Page } from 'eye-core';
// import TestService from '../services/TestService';
const TOKEN_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24 * 89; // 89天过期时间
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
const HN_USER_TICKET_KEY = 'hnUserTicket';
const HN_USER_ID_KEY = 'hnUserId';
export default {
async asyncData (ctx) {
// let result = await service(TestService);
// let ip = ''
let ip = await$axiosApi('/sport/new/screen/getMidUrl',{regionCode:430103000000},{})
// const ip = await $axios.$get('mangapi/sport/new/screen/getMidUrl',{regionCode:430103000000})
// const ip = await $axios.$get('')
return { ip }
data () {
return {
ip: ''
// this.$axiosApi('/sport/new/screen/getMidUrl',{regionCode:430103000000},{
// })
let exp = new Date();
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + TOKEN_TIME);
let domain = this.$config.env === 'dev' ? 'localhost:3001' : '';
Cookies.set(HN_USER_TICKET_KEY, 'ticketticket', {expires: exp, path: '/', domain});
Cookies.set(HN_USER_ID_KEY, '569321', {expires: exp, path: '/', domain});
<style scoped lang='less'>
import Vue from 'vue'
import qs from 'qs';
let config = require(`@/config/${process.env.ENV_CONFIG||'pro'}.config.json`);
export default ({app:{ $axios, redirect, router, store}},inject) => {
$axios.defaults.baseURL = config.pigsy
$axios.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') //请求类型 默认json
$axios.defaults.timeout = 10000
// 请求拦截
$axios.onRequest(config => {
// if (store.getters && store.getters.token) {
// config.headers.authorization = 'Bearer ' + store.getters.token
// }
return config
// 响应拦截
$axios.onResponse(response => {
// 做些业务需要的处理
const resp =
return resp
$axios.onError(error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
// 向nuxt注入一个内置的方法
inject('axiosApi', (url, params, option) => {
* 获取动态配置域名 base
let base = config[ option.domainKey || 'monk' ]
* 自定义配置请求头 option
let headers = {
let method = option.method || 'get'
if (option.contentType && option.contentType === 'form') {
Object.assign(headers, {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
params = qs.stringify(params);
} else {
Object.assign(headers, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
let finalHeaders = Object.assign(headers, headers);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//TODO $get只返回data get会返回包含code和data的数据对象
$axios[ method == 'get' ? 'get' : ('$' + method) ](
url, method === 'get' ? {params: params} : params, {headers: finalHeaders}).then(res => {
if (res.code && res.code == 200) {
} else {
return Promise.reject(res);
}).catch(err => {
host: base,
url: url,
data: params,
headers: finalHeaders,
reqError: JSON.stringify(err)
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(err));
* @Author: tangjiale
* @eMail:
* @Date: 2022-02-10 15:24:49
* @LastEditors: tangjiale
* @LastEditTime: 2022-02-18 09:32:53
import Vue from 'vue';
let config = require(`@/config/${process.env.ENV_CONFIG||'pro'}.config.json`);
Vue.prototype.$config = config
// Vue.prototype.$showConfirm = msg => Vue.prototype.$confirm(msg || '是否确定删除对应的记录?', '提示', {type: 'warning'});
// Vue.prototype.$notifySuccess = msg => Vue.prototype.$notify.success({
// title: '提示',
// message: msg || '操作成功',
// position: 'bottom-right'
// });
// Vue.prototype.$px2rem = Number('px', '')) / 75 * (window.dpr || 1);
export default ({store}) => {
// Vue.directive('auth', {
// bind: function(el, binding) {
// let authCode = binding.value;
// if (!authCode) return;
// if (store.state.buttonAuthList.indexOf(authCode) === -1) { // 没有那个权限则隐藏按钮
// = 'none';
// }
// }
// });
@keyframes opacity {
0% {
opacity: 1
50% {
opacity: .5
100% {
opacity: 1
<style>._ {
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.__ {
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<div class="_" style="height:2.399%;top:82.599%;left:4.000%;width:92.000%"></div>
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import container from '../pages/test';
container.head = function() {
return {
title: `${this.ip[0]} - 小本体育`,
meta: [
hid: 'description',
name: 'description',
content: '测试测试多url指向同一页面'
name: 'keywords',
content: '测试测试多url指向同一页面'
link: [],
export default container;
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